Companion Plant Guide for Grapes in Your Home Garden

What to Plant Near Grapes — Companion Guide for a Good Harvest
A gardener harvests grapes. Photo:

Grapes are a demanding crop that require not only careful tending, but also the right environment for active growth and high yields. Not only the condition of the soil, but also the quality and flavor of the berries, depend on the plants growing nearby.

Find out what to plant next to grapes for big, sweet fruit.

The best "neighbors" for grapes

According to gardeners, poorly selected neighbors can negatively affect the growth and fruiting of grapes, so you should plan your plantings carefully.

For example, some ornamental plants with shallow root systems coexist harmoniously with grapes. It is best to plant such flowers between the vines:

  • Asters — harmoniously coexist with grapes without competing for moisture and nutrients;
  • Phlox — help preserve soil moisture and do not interfere with the roots of grapes;
  • Violet and forget-me-nots — perfect for the neighborhood, without creating obstacles to the development of the vine.
Що посадити біля винограду — садівники назвали рослини для гарного врожаю
Ripe grapes. Photo:

There are also a number of garden and vegetable crops that help improve soil quality and have a positive impact on grape yields:

  • Legumes (peas, beans) — enrich the soil with nitrogen, which stimulates the development of the vine;
  • Spinach, dill, sorrel — help to maintain moisture and create a favorable environment for grapes;
  • Cereals (wheat, rye) — strengthen the soil structure and help retain nutrients;
  • Strawberries — create a favorable microclimate for the vine.

Earlier, we wrote about two organic fertilizers for cucumbers to get a productive harvest, how to feed the greenhouse in the spring to grow a large crop, how to feed peonies in the spring, and how to grow juicy radishes

harvest plants berries advise grapes