The best fertilizer for tomatoes — when and how to apply

How and when to fertilize tomatoes for a big harvest — tips for gardeners
Fertilizing tomatoes for a good harvest. Collage: Novyny.LIVE

Tomatoes are one of the favorite vegetables of many Ukrainians, and it is hard to imagine a summer table or greenhouse without them. Juicy, aromatic, and healthy, they are perfect for fresh salads, canning, and making sauces. However, in order to get a rich tomato harvest, it is important not only to take proper care of the plants but also to fertilize them in time. Fertilization helps the bushes grow strong, bloom profusely, and form large fruits.

Find out which fertilizers are best for tomatoes and when to apply them to ensure a bountiful harvest in our article.

The best fertilizer for tomatoes — when and how to apply for a rich harvest

Gardeners who follow the correct fertilization scheme harvest tomatoes in buckets. Let's take a look at an effective system of fertilizing tomatoes at different stages of development: 

1. First feeding — strengthening seedlings

The first feeding is carried out when the seedlings have 5-6 true leaves. At this stage, plants need nitrogen for active growth. The best option is an organic fertilizer based on mullein.


  • Water — 10 litres;
  • Rotted mullein — 0.5 kg.

The solution is mixed well and left to stand for 4-5 days. Before use, strain it and then water the beds at the root.

The best fertilizer for tomatoes — when and how to apply for a rich harvest
Watering young seedlings. Photo:

2. Second fertilization — for abundant flowering

When tomatoes begin the flowering phase, the plants need potassium and phosphorus. These elements contribute to the formation of a large number of ovaries. During this period, a wood ash solution is an ideal fertilizer.


  • Water — 10 litres;
  • Ash — 1 kg. 

Mix the mixture well and leave for 3-4 days, after which it is poured under the root. Ash not only nourishes plants but also helps to strengthen their immune system, protecting them from diseases.

How and when to fertilize tomatoes for a big harvest
Tomatoes blooming in the greenhouse. Photo:

3. Third fertilization — for large and tasty fruits

When tomatoes begin to bear fruit, they need a range of micronutrients for proper ripening. Particularly important are:

  • Boron; 
  • Iodine;
  • Calcium.

These substances contribute to the rich color, firmness, and taste of the fruit. During this period, you can use an effective solution based on milk, iodine, and boric acid.


  • Water — 10 litres;
  • Fresh milk — 1 litre; 
  • Iodine — 10 drops;
  • Boric acid — 1 tsp.

Before adding, boric acid should be dissolved in a small amount of warm water and then poured into the general mixture. Each bush is watered under the root — about 1 litre of solution per plant.

Find out how and when to fertilize tomatoes for bucket harvests
Watering tomatoes in the greenhouse. Photo:

Additional tips for a good tomato harvest

When growing tomatoes, you should also consider the following nuances: 

  • Do not exceed the dosage, because excess fertilizer can have the opposite effect;
  • Fertilize only in the evening or early in the morning to avoid burns on the leaves;
  • Alternate between organic and mineral fertilizers to ensure that tomatoes receive a balanced diet.

As a reminder, earlier we told you how to water radishes to make them grow large and juicy.

harvest vegetables advise fertilizers помідор garden