Some reasons to turn off Wi-Fi on your phone overnight

You should turn off WiFi at night before going to bed — Useful tips
A woman with a phone in bed. Photo: Freepok

Wireless internet access is extremely useful and almost all the devices we use, including phones, rely on Wi-Fi. However, few people think about how it affects our health.

Novyny.LIVE tells you whether you should turn off Wi-Fi on your smartphone before going to bed.

Should you turn off Wi-Fi at night?

All the devices in our home that are connected to a Wi-Fi network are constantly exposing us to electromagnetic radiation. It seems that the best way to protect ourselves from this exposure is to turn off Wi-Fi, but our devices cannot function properly without an Internet connection. This begs the question: should you turn off Wi-Fi on your phone at night? 

There are several reasons why you should do this, and most of them are health-related. First, when we turn off Wi-Fi at night, we reduce our exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Also, you don't have to constantly check your phone before bed or when you go to sleep.

Some studies have shown that turning off Wi-Fi on your phone reduces anxiety because you get a better night's sleep when you're not distracted by notifications, vibrations, and so on that disrupt your sleep.

Just as important, turning off Wi-Fi helps you conserve battery power. The smartphone will rest with you and drain much more slowly, extending battery life. This is especially true with older devices.

You should also be aware that your phone can connect to other Wi-Fi networks without your knowledge when you are asleep. This can happen if your Wi-Fi settings are set to do this automatically. Such smartphone "roaming" can pose certain security risks if it connects to an unsecure or malicious network.

A Wi-Fi router is an essential piece of equipment in the modern home, but its location can significantly affect the quality of the signal. A poor choice of location can lead to dead spots, interference in the connection and even overheating of the device.

Many people think of a Wi-Fi router as just a device for connecting to the Internet. However, it has a much broader functionality that can make your experience more convenient and secure.

health internet smartphone night WiFi