Germans can't wash and spend nights in summer residences — why?

Why Germans can't live in summer residence — the answer will surprise you
A summer residence in the countryside. Photo: Freepik

Some bans that are common in other foreign countries are quite surprising to Ukrainians. Few people know, but German residents are not allowed to live in summer cottages.

The editors of Novyny.LIVE explain the reasons for this unusual ban in Germany.

How Germany differs from Ukraine

In Germany, there is no such thing as a "summer residence" as we are used to. Small summer houses there are called kleingarten (small garden — translation from German).

These houses are built not in the way we are used to, in the suburbs amidst picturesque nature, but along roads and railways.

Німцям заборонено митись та ночувати на дачі — в чому причина - фото 1
A summer residence in the countryside. Photo: Freepik

In Germany, it is believed that such real estate is not suitable for permanent residence, as it does not have water supply, sewerage, heating, and fire alarm systems. For this reason, legislators at the state level have banned Germans from living in such houses.

As a reminder, earlier, we told you about Greece's pearl, which can become the great alternative to Mykonos. We also wrote about where in the Maldives the sea is covered with stars.

Germany law trip tourism заборони