TOP 5 worst places to put your laptop — List of improper places
There are some places you should never place your laptop because it can overheat and damage critical components. While such situations may seem commonplace, ignoring the obvious risks can be too costly — from replacing expensive parts to losing valuable files.
Novyny.LIVE tells you the most dangerous places for your laptop.
Even if the laptop seems safe on the floor, a careless step or an accidental bump can cause mechanical damage to the hard drive. This can make data recovery almost impossible.
The cooking area is constantly filled with moisture, crumbs, and grease. Steam and water splashes get into the keyboard and ports, causing corrosion and sticking keys. Plaque builds up on electronic components over time, which can lead to short circuits.
On a hot day, the car interior heats up to 80°C. In such conditions, the laptop battery is deformed and the electronics overheat. In winter, on the contrary, the cold has a detrimental effect on the lubricant in the fans, and sudden temperature changes can cause micro cracks on the screen. Even a short stay of the device in the car can result in a breakdown.
Window sills and desktop near the window
Direct sunlight increases the temperature of the case and screen to 60-70°C, which is critical for electronics:
- the matrix burns out;
- the battery gets deflated;
- the plastic of the case can be deformed.
In winter, low temperatures slow down the hard drive and cause condensation, which can cause a short circuit.
Soft surface (bad, sofa, carpet)
These may seem like the most convenient places to work, but they block the air vents on the bottom. Without proper air circulation, the processor and graphics card overheat, their performance drops, and internal components begin to fail. The thermal paste dries out, the contacts oxidize, and soon the laptop starts to slow down even during simple tasks.
How to place your laptop properly
The best place to place your laptop is on a hard, flat surface away from sources of heat and moisture. If you must use your laptop on the couch, place it on a special stand or at least on a book so as not to block the air vents. The distance between the device and the wall should be at least 10-15 cm to allow air to circulate freely. It is also advisable to clean the fans from dust once a month.
As a reminder, modern manufacturers are trying to standardize chargers for all types of devices. Some may wonder if it is already possible to charge a smartphone with a laptop charger and vice versa.
As a reminder, Apple was going to update Siri significantly when iOS 19.4 is released next year. However, an insider recently reported that the development of this model is currently behind schedule.