Buying a demo phone — Things you need to know

Everything you need to know about buying a demo phone
Demo phones. Photo: Hollie Adams/REUTERS

Most of us have noticed such a "special" offer from stores to buy a phone from the display and get a 20-30% discount. At first glance, this seems like a great way to save money, because such phones are used only for demonstration to customers. However, in reality, such a device can have a number of problems, iTechua reports.

Is it worth buying a display phone?

Firstly, these phones are constantly connected to the power grid and work continuously for months on end. As a result, their batteries degrade. If the screen is always on, the heat from the device makes the situation worse. If you buy such a smartphone, you run the risk of getting a device that dies quickly and then having to replace the battery.

It is also important to remember that this device has been handled by hundreds or even thousands of people, which can cause scratches, scuffs, or mechanical damage. If the phone has been in contact with wet hands, there is a high risk of corrosion of internal components.

Stores can use repaired equipment for demonstrations. This reduces their losses in the event of breakage or theft. The worst part is that the buyer doesn't always know if it was repaired and how well it was done.

What to consider when buying a display phone

If you decide to buy such a phone, be sure to check the warranty terms, as these devices are sold with a warranty of only 1–2 months or as "used". This period means that you will have to pay for any repairs that may be necessary.

Although unlikely, it is possible that someone could have installed malware on the device or changed the settings. It is recommended that you perform a full factory reset after purchasing such a phone.

Also, phones on display may not come with a box, charger, or other accessories. Keep this in mind when buying and ask the seller about the missing items.

So is it worth buying a display phone? It is usually not worth it. You may save a little money, but it can result in expensive repairs or rapid wear and tear on the device.

As a reminder, earlier, we wrote about 9 unknown settings on iPhone that can do much more. We also wrote why updating apps on the iPhone is important.

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