How to properly clean your TV screen — Mistakes to avoid

How to wipe your screen without damaging it — Everyone makes these mistakes
Cleaning of the screen. Photo: Freepik

TV screens or computer monitors have a habit of getting covered in dust and fingerprints, and you need to know how to wipe them off properly. Most users make mistakes and damage their devices.

GSMinfo writes about how to wipe TV and monitor screens properly.

Most common mistakes people make when cleaning a TV screen

Before you start wiping the screen, you must immediately remove all products used for cleaning and polishing various surfaces. This is especially true for liquid mirror and glass cleaners.

These products usually contain ammonia or other active ingredients that can damage the screen's protective coating and other finishes. They should also not be used on old "fizzy" TVs and monitors.

You should also avoid using paper towels, napkins, and paper. At first glance, this may seem like a convenient material because it doesn't leave stains, but it's not that simple. Tiny particles of paper leave scratches on the surface that may not be noticeable at first, but after several such wipes, they become very noticeable.

How to properly care for your TV and monitor

There are many specialty products on the market designed to care for electronic equipment. They usually come in the form of wipes or sprays, and aren't cheap, but they clean the screen perfectly and don't damage it.

If you are looking for an alternative to expensive products, consider microfiber cloths and a spray bottle of distilled water. They will help clean the screen and prevent damage.

If the dirt is more stubborn, such as fingerprints, oily stains, etc., you can add 2–3 drops of dish soap to the distilled water, but no more than that to avoid leaving streaks. Wipe the screen in a circular motion and then use a dry cloth to remove any remaining moisture.

It is important to note that you should not use any products, including distilled water, near the ventilation holes of your TV and monitor unless you plan to take your unit in for repair.

As a reminder, earlier, we told you about 6 features that you should enable on every Android smartphone to improve its performance.

We also wrote that charging your smartphone to 100% can negatively affect the battery and shorten its life. To avoid premature battery wear, you need to follow certain rules.

devices lifehacks TV screen monitor cleaning