Manicure for January 2025 — stylish ideas for everyday

What to do next after a festive nail design — ideas for January 2025
Stylish manicure. Photo: Freepik

After bright holiday designs, you often want something calm and restrained. Winter is the perfect time for laconic, stylish colors that create a cozy and harmonious look.

Novyny.LIVE will share some simple but effective manicure ideas that will be perfect for the cold season.

Stylish ideas for manicure


White manicure resembles the first snow — simple and delicate. This color emphasizes purity and elegance. A glossy or matte finish looks very neat and harmonious. White goes well with warm clothes in winter colors and is suitable for any occasion — from everyday walks to festive evenings.

Білі нігті мають дуже стильний вигляд
White nails. Photo from Instagram


The chocolate brown color is associated with a cup of hot cocoa or a bar of your favorite chocolate. It is a calm, restrained shade that adds sophistication to the look. The matte version looks especially stylish, creating an elegant and modern look.

Chocolate manicure is suitable for those who like natural and warm shades.

Шоколадний колір нігтів можна урізноманітнити стильним дизайном
Chocolate color of nails. Photo from Instagram


A black manicure today is not a challenge, but an expression of your taste. It is perfect for those who want to emphasize their individuality and add a little mystery to their look. Glossy black varnish looks deep and rich, while matte varnish is elegant and restrained. Black is a perfect match for boho chic, grunge, or even classic clothes.

Чорний колір на нігтях не може лишитись непоміченим
Black color of nails. Photo from Instagram

French manicure

French manicure is a timeless trend. In winter, the pale pink background with white tips looks very fresh. Do you want to add a festive mood? Try a little glitter or a transparent glitter coating on the tips. This manicure is suitable for any occasion, making your look sophisticated and well-groomed.

Френч - універсальний манікюр, що завжди доречний
French manicure. Photo from Instagram

Add a little creativity

If you want something unusual, try mixing shades or adding a minimalist design — thin lines, dots, or small snowflakes. Such details will make your manicure unique without overwhelming the look.

Earlier, we wrote about what manicure design would be appropriate for women over 50.

We also told you what you can do for short nails.

fashion nails beauty style nails