The main 2025 hair trend — the idea that will change everything
In 2025, hair fashion is turning the idea of care and style upside down. The main trend is natural texture. No more daily straightening, no stylers and irons — light tousledness, natural curls, and even a slightly disheveled look are in fashion.
Novyny.LIVE will tell you more about this hairstyle.
It's not about laziness — it's about freedom. Hair no longer has to be perfect for every hair. On the contrary — a slight mess, as if you just woke up and just went about your business, looks the most stylish now. It is this kind of hair — a little fluffy, with natural volume — that is shown on fashion catwalks and in advertising campaigns.
What new hairstyle is in the trends of 2025
At the latest fall-winter 2025 shows, Gary Gill's stylists even added the effect of "electrified" hair using balloons. Yes, this is not a joke. Their idea is to show a girl who doesn't worry about every curl. She is confident, alive, real — and it shows in everything, even in her hair.
What was recently considered sloppy is now the main style of the season. And an example of this is the viral trend #PradaHair. Prada models appeared at the spring show with disheveled, tousled hair, which caused a sensation on social networks.
But this trend isn't just about beauty. It makes practical sense — less styling, less damage. Hair is healthier, restored, and looks more alive. More and more salons are now offering gentle treatments to maintain curls, instead of chemical straightening.
The main thing is not to confuse naturalness with indifference. Curly or wavy hair also needs love. Masks, oils, good moisturizing — all this remains a must-have in care. It's just that now it's not to make the hair "obedient", but to make it healthy and happy.
Earlier we wrote about the haircut for spring 2025 that has already been made by our favorite star.
We also reported on ways to style one haircut that has been popular in recent years.