The expert told us how not to get tired during long-haul flights

Passengers on the plane. Photo: Pexels

The experienced traveller gave us tips on what to do during a plane flight to get less tired. Passengers should divide the journey into certain time periods.

Express writes about it.

How not to get tired on a plane

The tourist recommended the technique called "time blocking", when you divide the journey into certain time periods and fill them with separate activities.

The traveller advised not to turn on a film for the first 90 minutes of the flight and instead spend this time making sure you are comfortable and perhaps listening to a podcast or music.

Passengers on the plane. Photo: Pexels

"This 90 minutes is strictly for that album you’ve been wanting to listen to. It’s strictly for thinking about whether you want chicken or pasta [for your in-flight meal]. It’s literally just for vibes. Don’t overwhelm yourself on long-haul flights," the tourist shared.

After eating, you should move on to the next time block, which is also at 90 minutes. This time period should be allocated for movies and meals. Food should be eaten slowly to fully enjoy it and digest it properly, and you can also drink a cup of tea after watching a film. 

The traveller advises to sleep for the next 3 hours. If you can’t sleep on planes, you should turn on white noise in your headphones, put on a mask, and lie down in a relaxed manner. After such a rest, you can move on to your favourite TV shows and then to the next meal.

Earlier, we told you where tourists are not advised to go in 2025. Also, find out what the Top 5 foods are that you shouldn’t eat before a flight.