The salary level for women in Ukraine has increased

A female driver of a truck. Photo:

Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Russia and general mobilization, the level of wages for women has changed in Ukraine. They opened 59% of new businesses during this time.

Deputy Minister of Economy Tetyana Berezhna said this in a comment to UNN .

Salary for women in Ukraine

According to Berezhna, there are currently problems with accurate numbers, as the State Statistics Service does not work as before. However, it was found out that women earned 18.6% less than men before the full-scale invasion.

"There is a certain situation now that employers hire women for high and responsible positions because of the high level of men mobilization risk," she said.

The representative of the Ministry of Economy explained that companies do not always have the opportunity to keep men, so women master certain professions and, accordingly, their salaries increase.

In addition, many women have become entrepreneurs, create jobs, and among new businesses, 59% were opened by women.

"Soon, the Ministry of Economy will launch a grant program for training women in stereotypically male professions: a trolley bus driver, a specialist in setting up solar panels, and a drone operator," Berezhna added.

It should be reminded, that the state-owned Oschadbank offers a new grant program for Ukrainians. It is available for entrepreneurs of one of the regions.

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